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Combining Armies

Source Ultimate Campaign pg. 246
If you have two armies of the same type and of equal size, at any time outside of combat you can combine them into a single army that is one size larger than the original armies.

Choose one of the two commanders to command this combined army. The other commander may be assigned to a different army; otherwise, her boons are lost.

Calculate the new army’s statistics based on its new size. If both smaller armies had a boon, resource, or tactic, the new army has it as well; otherwise the boon, resource, or tactic is lost. The new army’s Morale is equal to the average of the Morale of the two smaller armies. If one army has an affliction (such as a disease), the new army now has it.

Determine what percentage of its full normal hit points each smaller army had. The new army’s hit points is the average of these percentages. For example, if one army is at 50% and the other is at 100%, the new army is at 75% of the full hit points for its size.